Monday 4 October 2010

Training - September 2010

Throughout this process I'm aiming to keep track of all the training I do, with the hope that I can chart and monitor my progress as I go along. Also - and this is probably a 'guy thing' - I've found that a bit of info and some data to analyse adds a bit of enjoyment, and helps motivate me too e.g. aiming to beat previous times/distances etc.

So then; September was my first (almost) full month of training. September was also the month that I bought the bike I'll be using, along with most of the kit I need to train. Here's the main stats:

Total distance cycled:  75.4 miles
No of training rides:  4
Average ride distance:  18.9 miles
Time in the saddle:  6hrs 5mins

I suppose stats like that seem a little dry, but they do tell a story and hopefully they'll paint a picture of how I'm getting on.

I've been disappointed with the latter half of the month, in that I didn't manage to do nearly as much training as I'd hoped. I think the 'honeymoon period' of the first few weeks, which was aided by some really enjoyable rides, has just about worn off. But I guess that's part of an undertaking like this - making time to put the hours in.

I'll leave you with some pictures, taken on some of the more scenic rides I've done so far.

Taken on Crow Road, between Lennoxtown and Fintry.
The Beauly Firth from the Kessock Bridge, Inverness.

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